Require Specialized Terrazzo Restoration Service in Miami

Professional Terrazzo Restoration Service Miami

Terrazzo Floor Restoration Experts Miami

Restoring Terrazzo Floors Miami

For terrazzo to continue shining and to keep its unique visual appeal, terrazzo restoration experts utilize great skill and the finest equipment to repair and restore any damages. Terrazzo repairs are one of the service experts in Miami, Florida can provide to restore the appeal of the terrazzo. This includes tasks such as repairing cracks, tack strip holes, chips, and stains. This is done by grinding and filling the aforementioned cracks and holes through a resin or cement base that matches the color and texture of the terrazzo. From there the matching aggregate chips are added and the mixture is sanded down and blended in to create a continuous and smooth look that makes the repair virtually invisible. Stains are removed by stripping whatever coating is on the terrazzo such as wax and applying the appropriate stain removal treatment depending on the stain type. Another main terrazzo Floor restoration service is polishing.

Professional terrazzo floor polishing involves the utilization of diamond bit grinders to methodically grind a very thin layer to expose a fresh one and remove any superficial damages with it. From there, the floor is polished with the same diamond bit grinders to the desired finish. A terrazzo floor recently polished is vivid in color and displays a shine that is nothing short of refreshing. The last main terrazzo restoration service is cleaning. The whole area is coated with a pH-neutral cleaner specifically for terrazzo and is systematically and thoroughly cleaned with buffers on low speed. Due to terrazzo being an expensive investment that deserves to look its best and is made to last, any restoration service employed is certainly worth it because of their ability to bring out the potential of the terrazzo and showcase it as its best.

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